Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday is the *NEW* Monday

I had two ML workshops this past weekend.
They were great, especially Saturday's event. My handsome husband and a few other husbands were there (Let's hear it for the boys!) and took in the first workshop on the Mediated Learning principles.
After 16 hours of mediational learning my brain has needed time to rest and make connection with what was learned.
And so did my house...it seems that attending workshops on Friday and Saturday and a lazy Sunday brought my house to a place of...ahem...a mess.
So Monday was spent teaching my team at home how to create a plan that we can turn into a system with keeping our house clean.
And Saturday workshop helped my husband and I to recognize the best way to go about it.
Like most couples, we are opposite. He (Jeep) values excellency. I value efficiency. He says, "How well can we do this?" and I say, "Get 'er done." When working on a project we have to work together or our values just butt heads (can anyone relate?)
This is where mind maps and systems help us work together.
I'll show you our mind map once it is completed. We're off to a good start though.
Monday was spent tidying the house and looking at everything in a Mediated way. Now that the house is tidy in an efficient and excellent way--the week can begin.
See? Tuesday is the new Monday.

Have you used Mediated Learning planning techniques for your house work?

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