Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Where do I begin? May I suggest that you start at the beginning

If this is your first stop at my blog or your first look at Mediated Learning, you might be overwhelmed.

You might be having feelings similar to myself when I first looked at the Charlotte Mason method. I thought "I have no idea if this is doable. The outdoor bit sounds nice, but I don't want to read six volumes on homeschooling or run around using the word twaddle."
Lo and behold, I was in for a shock when I realized that the CM method, as it's common moniker has become, was extremely simple and doable. All it took was taking things one step at a time.
And while I don't exclusively use the CM method for teaching (I'm kind of like an eclectic/on-the-verge unschooler--which really means I'm still figuring it all out), I use many of the principles in her ideals about learning.

And I sometimes use the word twaddle.

So, let's get back to talking about ML and break it down.
Let's call it Mediated Learning 101.
How do I start? What do I do?
Do I start with cognitive functions?
Do I have to carry a dictionary in my purse at all times?
What is the difference between the core and criteria?
Are you going to make me use the word twaddle?
All valid questions.

Before I answer any of these questions, let me just clarify that I am not an expert in Mediated Learning (which henceforth will be known as ML). I am a parent who wants to be diligent to do all that the Lord puts in front of me to do. And right now, this is it.
So with my vast amount of expertise and many letters after my name (5 minute mom, phd in abc) let's go forward...

ML 101

Q.How do I start using Mediated Learning in my Home?
A. My question to you is, how can you incorporate asking questions instead of giving answers? Do you think you can, instead of giving a ready answer to your child's inquiry, ask a question to see if they can find the answer out?
When your child says, 'why does this happen', are you able to first ask, 'why do you think it happens'?
What is the difference between telling your child the answer rather than seeing what they already know about an answer?
Do you think you can expand their answer further by asking more questions?
To summarize: Ask,ask,ask questions
Read here about fostering time to focus on this new habit.

That's it. That's how you start. That's the whole 101 part.

Naturally, there's 101 part a,b,c and we'll get to those.
But let's face it...an elephant is easiest to eat when done one bite at a time.

Which brings up some important questions: Who eats an elephant? When they do eat an elephant, are they eating the tough skin? Do they eat elephant wrinkles? How long does it take to eat an elephant? Just how big is this metaphorical elephant anyway?

1 comment:

Therese said...

Yup...you got it!
