Thursday, April 29, 2010


I mentioned the other day that I was interviewed on TV.
Not a big deal.
It was from the station I used to work for.
They wanted to talk to a homeschooling mom about making the choice to stay home and raise my kids rather than pursue a traditional career.

They arrived early and set up lights in my kitchen.
I fiddled with the mic and wondered if my hair looked ok.
They said they were ready and I prayed that I was.

Q: Why did you decide to stay home and raise and homeschool your kids?

A million answers zip through my mind.
Should I start with the fact that I love my kids and they are the most fun people ever and, of course, I want to spend time with them?
Should I break in with the huge announcement that homeschool is not school at home but rather life unfolding and teachable moments meeting us at the intersection of household responsibilities and snuggling on the couch?
Should I launch into the fact that educating my child in the Three R's pales in comparison to the opportunity I have to disciple my children and shepherd their heart?
Where to begin???

I think I said something along the lines of "The moving force behind our decision to have me stay home with the children was our desire to be obedient to things that God is asking our family to do. That's my highest aim in life--to be obedient to Him. I'm honoured that He's entrusted me with the gift of raising these children and there is no greater privilege than to shape and mould my children's character and instruct them in God's ways."

Q: Do you ever feel as though you are missing opportunity for financial increase or career advancement?
Hmmm...well, the sound of financial opportunity blowing past me at high speeds is a sound I'm used to.
Did it use to bother me? Yes.
Does it still? Occasionally. Depends what time of the month it is! :)
Missing out on career advancement? Absolutely.
But I've learned that following Christ is not about going higher but about bowing deeper. It is all about laying your life down and serving His dream for your life...not your own.

My answer went something like this:
I think that when you first transition out of a professional career there is a temptation to think you are crazy. You have left a place of productivity where you could see your results daily and suddenly you enter into a career where you do the same repetitive tasks over and over again. (ie. Laundry, picking up toys you just put away, etc.) But somewhere in the midst of these mundane tasks the Lord meets you and works on your heart and develops character in you. And you, in turn, are able to direct and lead your children in a way that will develop excellence and quality of character in them.
This life isn't without sacrifices. You'd be naive to think that you wouldn't have to lay some things down in order to pour your life into your family. But like any good cause that we fight for, it's worth it."

And it really is.

1 comment:

Sami Jo said...

Amen Sista! I couldn't of said it better. Love this! & thanks for the reminder xoxo, The Lady (sj :)