Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cognitive Function in Input Phase: Understanding of Temporal Concepts

When this Cognitive Function is adequate the child will:
*understand the sequence and order of events
*understand how units of time are organized and summated
*make spontaneous comparisons between time concepts in order to gain meaning
*understand how the past has influenced the present and how actions in the present will have consequences for the future
*make use of past experiences of future anticipation in order to control behaviour and organize time effectively

When this Cognitive Function is inadequate the child will:
*not understand or use timetables, calendar or planner
*perceive events out of context
*not understand the outcomes of action a problematic behaviours or events, and thus manifest a problematic behaviour
*not be able to delay gratification and will expect immediate rewards (or punishment) for actions
*feel confused because he or she is disoriented in time
*not exhibit systematic exploratory behaviour

Strategies to Correct Impaired Temporal Concepts
Areas you can focus on:

*Meaning- the parent helps the child to become conscious of time
*Self-Regulation- the parent provides an example of cause and effect
*Sense of Belonging- the parent clarifies for the child

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