Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuesday November 16 2010

"Home is an invention on which no one has yet improved." -Ann Douglas

My husband took my photo to inform me that he had used his troubleshooting skills to resolve my camera issues. Hooray for my man, Jeep!
And today is all about tea...
and finally meeting winter with a cold handshake of snow
Reading games
Reading books
Reading email
Read about Canada's flag and got out our Canada puzzle
Played Pass the Bag to pass the time
Remained inspired by our Canada theme
Played dinosaurs and patterns. This is an ABAB pattern--Diplodocus, T-rex, Diplodocus, T-rex
Exercising as per Albert the Bear's instructions
Ate apple crisp
Cotton ball craft and acrostic poems
math problems
Ballerina Snowman
Water gun fights
Racing cars
Chats with Grandma
Excited party snowgirl
Train set play
100 situps
Reading and discussing the daring stories told in this book
Danny the protesting snowman
Discussions on protests--peaceful and violent
Discussions on proper respect for the flag of Canada
Albert the Exercising Bear snowman
Learned about the secret messages flags can spell out.
Working on our own secret code....results will soon follow.
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoying your blog and mediated learning! It's a fabulous journey!!!